Lui V3 Add-ons
Changelogs for Version 3.7 and up are viewable on theLUI v3.7-Work for 5.0.4Updated to r507LUI v3.6.8-v3.6.6- Fixed additional bugs from 3.6.5LUI v3.6.5-v3.6.4Beta-v3.6.4-v3.6.1-3.6 Announcement, Read it: Changelog: v3.5.5-v3.5.3-v3.5.2-UI Elements:- New texture for the infotext bar at the top. This one is much much larger. There should be no differences for people using small resolutions (up to 1680x1050) and should come as a nice feature for people using larger ones (1920x1020) or even have dual/triple monitor setups.- You can now attach the Raid Texture Panel to Blizzard's default raid frames by using the dropdown menu.Unitframes:- Vengeance has been updated again.- Added Firelands Stuff to Raid Debuffs Icons, if you are using the LUI raid frames instead of Grid.- Fixed a few issues with Health and Power Updates.- If a boss has an Alternate Power, it will be displayed in place of the power bar. An example would be Onyxia and her Electrical Charge bar.- Fixed some issues with the Reputation and Experience bars.- Fixed issues when petframe was disabled.- Added some more options concerning Party Frame VisibilityInfotext:- Fixed the faction logo for BattleNet Friends. So now you can tell your friends are being traitors and will be marked with traitorous logos next to their opposite-faction characters.Fader:- Fixed a few comat issues.Chat:- Potentially fixed an error that would appear on extremely rare cases, and would end up disappearing after the ui is reloaded. Written as 'potentially' due to the extremely rare and probably unreproducible nature of said error.Extra Modules:- There was a screw up in the 3.5.1 release that caused the Interrupt and Merchant module (after following instructions) to still not work. This has been fixed.- Along the lines, the Merchant module has been rewritten to fixes any errors that caused its exclusion in the first place.- Some options of the Merchant module (such as the Item Quality) may have been reset as a result of this.- MehLUI v3.5.1-Addon Support:- Added fix for Recount having huge font unless modified.
Wow Interface Lui V3 Download Free Download
Your suspicions are mostly correct. I'm slightly ashamed to say I havent updated or even looked at my own site for stretch of times, but I do check on the LUI Discord server practically daily. It's really useful to keep up with multiple communities with ease.Will this addon be updated for Battle for Azeroth? Pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaseeee with a cherry on top!Hop into the Discord for the mod (link in description), and you can find an 8.0 compatible download in the pinned messages of the #general-lui3 channel. Is this UI dying?
I'm looking for a new one and wanted to see about this oneThe author isn't as active on their site as they have been in the past (busy IRL I suspect), but I'm using this addon, with the LUI Core r834-alpha (via Twitch) dated December 5, 2017 and things are working just fine for me - no errors coming up. Definitely worth a try, IMHO, it's a great UI.Your suspicions are mostly correct. I'm slightly ashamed to say I havent updated or even looked at my own site for stretch of times, but I do check on the LUI Discord server practically daily. It's really useful to keep up with multiple communities with ease.