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Clarence Bass Ripped Pdf To Excel

Fitness Book: Lean For Life 528 Chama, N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87108PO Box 51236, Albuquerque, NM (505) 266-5858 E-Mail: cncbass@aol.comArticles:From The Desk ofClarence BassFor Life: Stay Motivated- and Lean - Foreverby Clarence BassThe fitness trend of the new millennium and beyond is balanced training - aerobics and weights. The trend isclear, but questions remain: what? Clarence Bass shows the way in Lean For Life.He explains, day-by-day, how to combine weights and aerobics - plus sound nutrition - to achievetotal fitness, permanent fat loss and the ultimate physique. Lean For Life includes interesting andchallenging keep-you-motivated training routines for high-tech aerobic equipment such as treadmills,indoor bicycles and rowers. In fact, the critical issue of motivation is emphasized throughout. Thisbook presents a lifestyle approach that will make and keep you lean - for life!240 pages, $16.95 plus $4.60 shipping media class in USA or $6.70 priority shippingin USA.

We do not shipinternationally. International orders please see Amazonwhich carries our books. What Readers say about Clarence Bass' books:'As a 44 year old physician who sees patients all day long whostruggle with the effects of excess weight and poor diet I applaud you and thankyou for your excellent and sound work. I've just finished Lean For Lifeand Challenge Yourself and am just so impressed that I felt I hadto write you a short note. Your books, all of them, will find a place on myshort list of books I can honestly recommend to my patients. I thoroughly enjoyyour writing style, attention to detail, and commitment to time tested research.My sincere thanks.'

Clarence Bass Ripped Pdf To Excel

'Last year I purchased: Ripped 3,Lean For Life & Challenge Yourself. Each taughtme something different and useful, from recipes to training or general healthinfo. Last week I began to re-read Lean For Life.I think it is the very best health/fitness/weight training book I've everread!!! Your programs work and so do the eating habits put forth!

Ihave made more progress in the past 15 months than in the previous 5 years ofhigh volume training (weight & aerobic). Sensible is the way togo.' 'What a life changer! Thank you for doing what nomuscle mag has been able to do for me: give me a clear, concise trainingand diet plan!' 'I am a 58 year old personal trainer and keep up monthly withthe new information on your web page. I bought Lean For Lifeand Challenge Yourself and have been extremely pleased with thequality of the information and value of your books. It amazes me how youstay on top of the state of the art, and even set it, in exercise andnutrition.'

'Clarence, your books make me feel like a close friend istalking to me. You always present evidence for both sides of an argumentand let the reader make up his or her mind. Yourwriting is clear, articulate and I appreciate your sense of humor sprinkledthroughout the books. You are not boastful (although you certainly havethe right to be).' A 48-year-old female reader wrote: 'I recently purchased LeanFor Life and Challenge Yourself. These books arewonderful! I've finally found a 'program' I can get my armsaround!

Clarence Bass Ripped Pdf To Excellence

While I doubt I'll be following your exercise program as youdesigned it, what I will do is adhere to your philosophies and methods.andinsert my own preferences for exercises. I am already incorporating yournutrition and eating habits and can see and feel a difference in a short time.(I love your website because you give in-depth answers to questions I have butdon't know where to go for an answer.) You continue to motivate me to beMY personal best and this has been a tremendous help. I no longer want tobe like 'her' or 'her' I just want to be the best I canbe!!!' Clarence, your books were both a revelation and an inspiration to me. They were like listening tothe advice of a fitness mentor that I had never had, but more importantly, they also imparted to meyour philosophy of life, challenges, and adapting to the physical changes age brings to us all.

Moreimportantly, they worked! Especially Lean For Life which has become dog-eared from use.' 'The evolution of your training has been fascinating, the breadth of your knowledge remarkable, andyour ability to bring it all together in a logical package always insightful and challenging for those ofus looking for someone who can truly lead by example.' 'I tried other methods but I keep coming back to your books. Nothing else works - and keepsworking.' 'I read Lean For Life several years ago and it has kept me going more than any other thing I'veread.' 'I am the doubting Thomas that thought the fewer set, fewer day training routines were for theweekend athlete.

I couldn't have been MORE mistaken!My strength is going throughthe roof-I have set lifetime records in the Bench, Squat and Deadlift!!' Review excerpt:Master Trainer, the newsletter for lifetime bodybuilders and master athletes written by healthpsychologist Richard Winett, Ph.D.: ' Lean For Life is Clarence Bass' sixth book and it is clearlyhis best effort. That is saying a great deal because I consider Bass' Ripped series (3 books) andThe Lean Advantage series (3 books) the best training and nutrition (lifestyle) books available.' '.In the past, Bass' books have had a great following and major influence in the world ofbodybuilding and strength training.

In a real sense, Lean For Life is a 'cross-over' book. Bass istrying to reach out to a larger audience including people new to any kind of training and soundnutrition plan. If Lean For Life is accepted and read by large cross-sections of our population -which hopefully it will be - Bass will now have significant impact on the health and welfare ofcountless people.' ReviewLinkFor a review of Lean For Life thatappeared in Johns Hopkins Weight Management Newsletterwritten by Kevin Fontaine, Assistant Professor of Medicine,Excerpt fromthe bookFor the bottom line secret of long-term success in diet and training, learn about the'Ownership Principle; 'Lean For Life Book$16.95USA shipping only: $16.95 + $6.70 ($23.65) priority shippingor $16.95 + 4.60 ($21.55) media shipping USA; New Mexicoresidents must add tax.

Clarence Bass Ripped Pdf To Excel Free

Please call or e-mail forinstructionsWe do not ship internationally. International ordersplease use Amazon which carries our books.If you have questions before ordering, or would like to order this book incombination with others, please call 1-505-266-5858or e-mail:If you are interested inseeing the prices on all the books offered by our company go tothe pageLean For Life bookCustomer Service: Phone (505) 266-5858 M-F, 8-5 Mountain time,FAX (505) 266-9123, e-mail:. No orders accepted by e-mail because it isnon-secure.Ripped Enterprises: 528 Chama, N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108, USA. Copyright © 1996-2015 Clarence and Carol Bass. All rights reserved.Ripped Enterprises, P.O. Box 51236, Albuquerque, New Mexico orstreet address: 528 Chama, N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87108,Phone or FAX (505)266-5858, e-mail:,Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8-5, Mountain time. Copyright © 2016 Clarence and Carol Bass.


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